Frequently Asked Questions

What are the costs associated?

We help our customers understand that the risk barrier is high for landlords to accept tenants without UK employment or a credit profile. One way to lower that risk is a 6-month upfront payment for the same duration of the tenancy which is what they have chosen to accept to be comfortable. A standard security deposit equivalent to a 5-week payment is required to accompany the deposit.
Lastly, we charge a £500 administrative fee which expires after five property searches with us should landlords be unwilling to accept your tenancy application. This is a very rare and an uncommon case but we want to help you manage expectations should this occur.

What if i can't find a property in a city i would like to live in ?

Our properties are specifically and critically sourced so fret not should you not find any within your desired location and area of stay. Simply fill out our form with the details of the area and we'll acknowledge receipt within 72 hours and guide you on the next steps.

What details do i need to provide to be vetted for eligibility?

We require the details of all potential occupants of the property. See checklist below:
-First and Last name (As shown in your international passport)
-Date of birth
-Current Local Address (and all addresses within the last 3 years)
-Current/Last Employment status (for applicable tenants)
-Three months payslip (for applicable tenants)

All of these can be sent via email to

What's the average turnaround time from successful vetting to move in?

The process could span between 2-4 weeks for instantly available properties. Non-instant ones vary depending on the time when the property is available to be rented out.

Are you guaranteed tenancy with the Landlords we work with?

It's part of the legal requirement in the UK for landlords to review a number of tenancy applications before letting out a property.As much as we closely with them in the consideration of our category of prospective tenants, the end decision is with them and we can't influence who they decide to go with. You do have a fighting chance with us.

What other duties do we carry out for you?

We also assist you with filling reference forms, completing inventory checks and setting up utilities for the house.